15 Apr 2011

The Jealousy

Jealousy is basically a set of uncomfortable feelings based on mistrust and fear of losing control over something or someone.

It is a kind of warning feeling made by the "self". It is how each person perceives the relationship of itself with owned things or with people who are within the circle of these relationships. it is the level of pleasure and displeasure that these relationships cause when the affective perceptions are threatened.

The jealousy is a legitimate feeling when it has a clear foundation and visible reality that everybody could see, for example: your neighbor steals flowers from your garden to give to someone. When it is clear and evident that something had been stolen or loose against the will and there were a loss in the control of the esteem object, in that case, jealousy is legitimate. But it has limited time duration on recovery, righteousness over missing element or to conform to a situation that cannot be changed, normal jealousy must come down until it disappears. Non pathological jealousy has a beginning, middle and end.

Unlike any other jealousy will be pathological one. (Illness)

Jealousy is a very rarely substantiated fact when it repeated many time, in this case the object of jealousy is external, always causes the person to suffer in a passive way. (The facts comes from outside).

 The pathological jealousy is active in the person (inside out) it is not a plea in a proven fact, but it is distorted perception of reality, facts and feelings.

Therefore they are called "jealous people" because jealousy emanates from within; the person is alive in constant jealous behavior activating the process of his views and perceptions on all times.

 This sentiment, often takes a devastating fury that William Shakespeare called it "green-eyed monster" and he was about his work of the seventeenth century, when "Othello - The Moor of Venice", driven by an insanely jealous about his best friend with his wife, ends up killing the honest, tender and sweet Desdemona.
The Shakespearean drama repeats until today. Many Othello´s and Desdemona's life stage and staged Shakespeare´s text in real life.

 For some people jealousy is seen as a kind of zeal, a sign of love, as a renovator wornness and appreciation of the relationship partner, but in reality it is an evidence of insecurity and lowered self-esteem. There are people who miss and want their partner feel jealous, which is a far more reality distortion because it feeds “the beast”.

When a jealous one is confronted by it lack of evidence for such jealousy, it turns to a victim stage and reacts emotionally as overwhelmed, Jealousies does everything to stay in control of their paranoid reasons.

 For this reason the jealous desire to have a full control of his companions or emotional possession objects. More and more control over of “who” or “things” that control seems never enough. The person who suffers from this evil disease is always looking for confessions or confirmations for their suspiciousness and even if able to see the contrary it never will never satisfied. Jalousie keeps mulling suspicion or something else such a thing that causes by their disease.

Pathological jealousy can go wild into a delusional process by which individual will build thoughts that exist only in their imagination, the twisted mind does it go further.
A person whose jealousy is unhealthy may, for example, have a behavior similar to this: if the other says he will travel, will shower him with questions: Who will, where it goes, how long it takes, do not delay, phones controlling, etc. It is common at the turn of the trip and even day to day, things the other scour the search for evidence of infidelity, including the phone memory.

At the mere mention of ex, is cause for making a scene drama in which aggression can be present in words and even physically.
If the other comes out with same-sex friends to go to a bar, the jealous will keep calling especially to hear the background noise listening for voices of the opposite sex when it is not going there to check on the spot.
The contact with the opposite sex partner may also trigger the pathological process of delirium.

One always asks questions like who wants nothing to friends and relatives about the behavior of others in their absence. Their professional life is hindered because they can not think of anything but their ruminations. Put investigator to follow him or her or their will follow personally. It does everything that a decompensate mind dominated by mistrust and insecurity can conceive.

Such “delirium” also causes to this person to experience various emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, shame, insecurity, explosions of love, humiliation, guilt, desire for 
revenge ...

The jealous live in eternal looping of suffering, what causes huge stress, emotional imbalance and it turns any relationship always tense.
This lack of sense can lead them to star in ridiculous and embarrassing public scenes.

The grand finale of jealous is paradoxical. The love will suffer from these distortions until its gone, they are love looser. Despite of the guilt that carries their obsessive thinking it can result in a partner loss. A paradox, their most fear and suffering of losing the other and it is exactly the obsession who washes the other away by separation.

Today we know that some areas of the brain can be over activated by neurotransmitters and by that and vice-versa some cognitive pathways are driven to make some emotional areas to overreact, it may cause or amplify the feeling mentioned here. Treatments are available to calm down such areas that may cause the intensity of that vicious thinking.

If you believe someone is experiencing this or maybe you feel that it is talking about yourself, if you feel uncontrollable jealousy, seek help from a professional is always time to improve.

13 Apr 2011

The hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is the lack of form

Distortion of the standard
There are no norm

it is the mirror of the damned,

It is the finite knife´s handle

Hypocrisy is the onset of pain,
the horror theater
The lack of gain

the intent is hypocritical as a thief´s mouth
the tearing of the tongue

The hole in the hand

The fallacy of being
The force uncontrollable,

The groan of poverty,
The lack of everything,
Invert, inversion of living.

It is the rotten soul
It's the dirty floor

The rough of all

4 Apr 2011

The shower therapy

Shower therapy.

This is the cheapest therapy against anguish, depression, anxiety.

I will let you know how and why, I have been counseling people to do it along the years and it really results if you do it well. By the way it deals with people who are not under specific medical or professional treatment, and it is called “therapy” by me as it helps the symptoms of emotional stress. Nevertheless there is no such “therapy” in official scientific studies but as anything concerns psychology will agree that all are a collection of therapeutic relaxing methods.

Let’s start.

First of all
Shower barefoot; do not use slippers or rubber mat etc.

Showering barefoot helps unload static electricity that you accumulate during the day. Feet in contact with the wet ground will serve as a grounding to discharge for static electricity. Our nerves, neurons, communicate by electro-chemical connections, so electrostatics produced by many machines or devices that we use day by influences our neurons overloading it and intend to muscles and organs, for so we were very angry often without apparent reason. Passerby’s hours dealing with machines or computers or even in front of the TV will be after a few minutes enough electricity load static. Electricity tends to flow to negative ground, so it's good to eliminate it, since there is no such electricity the whole body relaxes.

Do not take water too hot, when the water temperature is above 37CÂș of the body responds by increasing blood pressure, tension soon appears, very hot bath relax only after it, but during the time you are there it makes your body to work, this is not the idea here.

Water temperature is important; it must be similar to body temperature; somewhat below the optimum temperature around 37C °, never above. Of course you will not take a shower with a thermometer attached to your body, to know the ideal temperature of the water you should feel that water is neither hot nor cold; it means that equaled to your body temperature and is therefore hardly feel the heat, sense only the physical force of the water.
At this point I'll put you into the Freudian system uterine protection. The warm waters intrauterine time, Water is always an important link to our basic nature, warm water relates us to this first moments on our live, there are memories in time of intrauterine development that we can´t evoke as something clear conscious level at first, but these memories are stored there, maintaining us in the emotional way. Believe it or not, the bath or shower is kind a mother time.

Never take my supposed therapeutic shower time in a hurry, spend time there, prepare this time before you get there, don’t allow people, telephone etc to disturb your time there. You are going to spend water, some people think it is a waste but it is cheaper than tablets that make you "Cool” and take you out of orbit.

It is important to let water flows of your head, brings a sense of immersion it also
implicit meanings associated with the washing of the head, eyes, mouth, ears, meaning that it washes out your thinking disorder. Let warm water drip down his face, plenty of water.

Warm water is also related to the spill crying. So grating has to cry to cleanse the soul. Take a moment allow you to cry for real as the water hits your face. Well it is crying in the bath.

Inhale and exhale deeply while bathing is part of the therapy. This is the best moment for deep breathing. Open your arms if possible.
Anxiety’s root word mean "closed chest”, when we come to grief it feeling cause the body to a process of closing everything to protection, our chest, heart and feelings systems are fighting in a terrible way.

So opening your arms and lungs causes the anxiety go away.
Our brain is ready to take action to reverse this process of closing that installed if somehow there is a physical job in regard to open it. In other words, if you use your body and movements to fight for or against a feeling it will really happen...

It's is bit hard to explain, but that's how it works. Sports are the best medicine against depression.
In therapeutic bath exhale helps expel internal demons, bringing oxygen, openness to your closing painful process and cleanse, opening your lung it destroys the anxiety.

I advise that soon after shower you to go and lie down for relaxing for two or three minutes.
Lie down immediately after the shower time, naked, open arms and legs, close your eyes and relax just to soak up your mind, feel, learn, and try a relaxed body.

When the brain has to mind that his body is relaxed, the mind will react by opening the protection systems, limbic systems. Its bath is a natural remedy for anxiety daily.

Good. Conclusion?

 You'll be more relaxed and the smell really good. LOL!

3 Apr 2011

The new layes

Each year the trees later add a new layer of wood to its own structure. Certain creatures in nature change skin leaving behind the old form. In the world of trees that happens, the skin or outer timber grows old and is forming part of the deepest part of these beings.
On the outside storms and bitter cold, scorching heat and even some that another fire. All of these things in the tree produce a new cover, new cover of wood, a coat that makes the tree grow and strengthen. Fibers are necessary for the tree to take the path above excellent.
We are made ​​a little different, but not much. We changed our skin more than we imagine, and the former is not part of our appearance. But some fire, wind, cold, heat, rain and many other unintended make our being grow.
So, every year we go up excellently.
Happy growing.

2 Apr 2011

The Imbalance

I like this word, when I think of it I do not see a static point, I always daydream remembering how people sometimes criticizes my jokes or how my life could be better or different.

Imbalance, I compare it as when I was trying to walk on over the wall on a rope or riding a bicycle.
But it is all about brain and life, body and how we are made, from bio to psyche.

Swaying from side to side, fixing the body, putting more attention on the directions, view on all points, and never, ever stopping.

Mistakes are the swaying angles of our life. They are not something wrong, but a process in the way to achieve the center.
The equilibrium dynamics and requires different setups, although some other sudden and others soft.
Another thing is the center. The balance does not tend to center but on the contrary, the equilibrium is the end of the struggle between tendencies, and I think that's what fascinates me Imbalance, which after all is the balance of peace in the midst of the struggle between the trends, a process to center. So the balance is actually a work of art in constant change.
But that happens in the center?
Well, in my opinion is the center is a very boring place. There is everything still. What we really like is the eternal game of seesaw seeking chaos in the middle of the old danger of the pendulum of bounds. What we really like is the dynamics of balance and fleeting pleasure of running through the center, but not never, never ever staying there.